• USD - 481.68₸
  • EUR - 522.48₸
  • RUB - 5₸
  • BRENT - 73.68$
  • WTI - 71.22$
  • Natural Gas (Henry Hub) - 2.37$

About us

Kaz M-I SWACO is a Successful Local Company with Global Experience

About us

About us

About Kaz M-I


“Our customer focus has made us a better company as we have customized and engineered solutions for every need and application, providing opportunities for our people and driving our development of resources and technologies.”


A foundation of problem-solving


When customers call on Kaz M-I, they want solutions. It could be a matter of finding the right drilling fluid for a fragile formation or developing a complete program for collecting, managing and treating drilling wastes from an offshore field. Regardless of the need, the important thing is that Kaz M-I responds to and solves the problem — any size, anywhere, any time. The company has grown by anticipating and responding to what operators and drilling contractors need for the life cycle of their wells — from well construction, completion and production to drilling waste management, Waste Management (WI), produced-water treatment, and even pipeline-flow enhancement and gas sweetening. If a situation calls for something new, we will invent it. If a product we have is almost the answer, we will modify it until it answers the need exactly. The bottom line: Kaz M-I and its people are customer-focused and solutions-driven.


Solutions for fluids-related problems


Within Kaz M-I, we have the ability to solve problems that range from simple to complex. Dedicated teams can design entire fluids-management systems, complete with equipment, instrumentation, control systems and automation software. We have made considerable investments in research and engineering facilities as well as laboratories and field-support operations. These facilities, and the capable and talented people who operate them, give Kaz M-I a distinct competitive edge.

We have helped operators drill a majority of the world’s deepwater and ultra-deepwater wells. Kaz M-I has refined the concept and development of Reservoir Drill-In Fluids (RDFs) that help operators achieve the highest returns from their valuable reservoirs with specialized fluid systems that protect production zones. We are helping operators realize true economic and environmental benefits with waste injection to safely dispose of drilling wastes, excess drilling fluid, contaminated rainwater and even cleanup waste. To ensure our customers’ on-going success, Kaz M-I is a leading provider of production chemicals that keep wells producing under a wide range of conditions and chemistries.


People are a valuable asset worth developing


Before people work for Kaz M-I, we screen them not only for current skills and experience, but also for their willingness to learn new things, solve problems and help others. Once they join the Kaz M-I organization, employees have the advantages of a global learning management system which provides worldwide access to learning, in-house and custom e-learning solutions, talent and competency management, and performance management. Starting with the basic buiding blocks of training for the job at hand, Kaz M-I instructors quickly bring new drilling-fluids specialists up to speed in the disciplines required for them to deliver maximum value from our products and services. Kaz M-I ensures customers around the world get the highest level of service by standardizing training courses to meet the universal expectations of all operators. Where locale dictates certain specialized practices, Kaz M-I trainers prepare field personnel for those details as well.

Once these capable people are working in the field, their learning and training are not over. In fact, basic training is just the beginning of a successful career with Kaz M-I. As an organization, we are developing career paths, checkpoint criteria and progress measurement methods to keep Kaz M-I and its people at the forefront of the industry.


Research and development


Kaz M-I has made considerable investments in research and engineering facilities as well as laboratories and field-support operations. Our Research and Engineering Center in Houston and our three International Technical Centers — in Houston; Aberdeen, Scotland and Stavanger, Norway — provide 24-hr assistance, and innovative solutions, anywhere in the world. Our Ecotoxicological Laboratory in Bergen, Norway, performs a wide range of analytical services. Drilling and production frontiers such as offshore Canada, Russia and the Caspian Sea, China, Latin America, and land and offshore operations throughout North America are now just a phone call or mouse click away from powerful technical support.

Because we have our own R&D, manufacturing, environmental and technical resources, and can deploy them to active areas, we are often the first company to create the solutions that eventually become products and services adopted throughout the industry.