Bulk Plant
Bulk Storage and Transfer Equipment System
Custom solutions for barite, bentonite, and cement handling
The bulk storage and transfer system is a complete solution for bulk barite, bentonite, and cement handling. Each MI SWACO system is custom engineered to meet your production requirements and offers efficiency-enhancing options, such as full instrumentation packages, remote valves, product automation, and remote system control capabilities. Design considerations include tank and piping design, bulk transfer capacity, and causes of pressure drop within the system.
As with the liquid mud tanks, when designing a LMP one of the more critical considerations is the bulk handling system. Bulk plant designs can include varying degrees of technology from big bag handlers to automatic sack cutters. Regardless, the M-I Swaco GFEG has established requirements overseeing the design and construction of bulk handling systems that stipulate, among other considerations:
- Pressure vessels (e.g. bulk silos) must be approved vendor with a U stamp certification. This allows for safe operation of bulk handling systems, material traceability and vessel repair options
- Engineered piping layouts to maximize transport delivery efficiency while maintaining egress and access within the plant
- Air delivery systems that are designed to meet the particular facility’s material handling requirements, service air and blow down needs
- Emission control systems with dust collectors that meet or exceed local and national emissions requirements into the atmosphere as well as reclaim of materials

Kaz M-I Bulk Plant in Bautino
Kaz M-I Bulk Plant in Bautino is an integral part of entire Facility, which was commissioned in 2011. Bulk Plant is used to accumulate considerable amount of bulk Barite and Cement to provide steady supply of dry powder products for drilling & cementing operations with unique ability to commence loadout directly to marine supply vessels. Total silos capacity allows one-time storage of to 1800 MT of bulk Barite and 1200 MT of multiple dry Cement types (12 x 100 M3 identical vertical silos). All silos are using dust collection system to reduce environmental impact while bulking operations. There is a load out station at the jetty with set of loading pipelines for each liquid product (Barite/Cement).
Bulking to silo rate: 15 MT/hr (simultaneously with OBM and Brine mixing).
Dry product transferring to marine vessel: 40-60 MT/hr.
Kaz M-I Bulk Plant in Bautino
Kaz M-I Bulk Plant in Bautino is an integral part of entire Facility, which was commissioned in 2011. Bulk Plant is used to accumulate considerable amount of bulk Barite and Cement to provide steady supply of dry powder products for drilling & cementing operations with unique ability to commence loadout directly to marine supply vessels. Total silos capacity allows one-time storage of to 1800 MT of bulk Barite and 1200 MT of multiple dry Cement types (12 x 100 M3 identical vertical silos). All silos are using dust collection system to reduce environmental impact while bulking operations. There is a load out station at the jetty with set of loading pipelines for each liquid product (Barite/Cement).
Bulking to silo rate: 15 MT/hr (simultaneously with OBM and Brine mixing).
Dry product transferring to marine vessel: 40-60 MT/hr.