• USD - 506.43₸
  • EUR - 522.43₸
  • RUB - 5.28₸
  • BRENT - 76.49$
  • WTI - 73.52$
  • Natural Gas (Henry Hub) - 3.3$

Job Opportunities

Kaz M-I SWACO People are in a Class by Themselves

Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Who do we recruit?


Who do we need at Kaz M-I SWACO? We hire dynamic individuals who have the drive to work hard and who love to be in control of their careers. We can not mention all the positions we recruit globally, but here is just a look at some of the positions we hire most. Please keep in mind that position titles and duties may differ based on work location.


Drilling Fluids Specialists (Entry Level)


This position is intended to provide an entry level position for new employees who are placed in the field with an experienced Drilling Fluid Specialist before attending the Basic Drilling Fluids school.


Experienced Drilling Fluids Specialists


We know the demands of the industry and are always looking for experienced applicants. These individuals will provide onsite services to the operator by measuring, testing, and supervising the running of fluid mixing and pumping. These positions may train entry level Drilling Fluids Specialists.


Equipment Specialists


Performs routine maintenance on tools, units, and support equipment. Individuals may be called upon to replace expendable parts, seals or fittings. Also, you may pick up equipment at the rig site and test and repair.




We hire entry level to experienced hands. This person will learn the proper techniques for shop repair of the equipment and make ready for installation. Individuals may assist in advising customer representatives on proper product application and installation.