• USD - 506.43₸
  • EUR - 522.43₸
  • RUB - 5.28₸
  • BRENT - 76.49$
  • WTI - 73.52$
  • Natural Gas (Henry Hub) - 3.3$


Office, ТСС, LMP and Environmental Center



Environmental Center: Situated in Tengiz, the Liquid Mud, Bulk Plant and Enviro Center are covering the needs of TCO 

(Tengiz Chevroil) two rig and one Non- Rig operations using OBM (Versadril) drilling fluids provided by Kaz M-I LMP.


The facility comprises three parts:

Mud plant: 3000m3 capacity, eight mixing hoppers, and several pumps, it can mix up to 300 of OBM per day.

Bulk Plant: with its 10 silos it hold up to 500m3 of Barite bulk material. The transfer rate 60 mt/hr.

Warehouses: A total of three warehouses available: 5700m2, 2800m2, and 1900m2.


Environmental Center: Used for processing OBM and recovered contaminated fluids, it comprises two shale shakers, 

five centrifuges; it has a capacity of 700m3 including processing pits, oil/water separator and storage tanks.


TCC : 

  • Direct heating of the cuttings resulting in maximum energy efficiency
  • Recovered base oil is comparable in quality to new base oil and can be re-used
  • The dried solids are clean and suitable for safe disposal
  • Rapid start-up and shutdown, which facilitates simple maintenance tasks and operational flexibility
  • Over 128,000 MT of cutting treated



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