Equipment Workshop Maintenance
All M-I SWACO equipment, which has been in demand for many years and is widely used at the facilities of our partners throughout Kazakhstan and abroad, begins its journey on workshop.
It is here that the equipment goes through a full service cycle according to the STEM program - this is the international standard for equipment maintenance (global Standard for ES Equipment Maintenance).
According to the STEM program, any equipment received in workshop for repair or for storage must go through three stages of maintenance, which are distinguished by a color code:
- Red – equipment is not ready for operation, it means that equipment has passed or is undergoing an entrance inspection in temporary storage zone. This is a superficial inspection that allows you to determine the general condition of the equipment, learn about existing problems, study the history of operation, create a repair plan and add equipment to the existing maintenance schedule.
- Yellow - this period lasts from the moment when equipment enters repair workshop for range of measures for its full mechanical and electrical service in accordance with the established maintenance schedule, until the moment of successful testing with placing of all repair data into the equipment card.
- Green - means the complete readiness of the equipment for further operation, and also signals the availability of all documents and certificates necessary for high-quality, legal and safe work at the customer's facility.

During three stages period of equipment maintenance in workshop, a lot of operations are carried out: this is a complex washing of equipment, disassembly into separate components, abrasive, metalwork, welding, painting equipment, balancing operations of rotating components, reassembly, installation of electrical wiring, adjustment and calibration, commissioning, testing and data collection, conservation for storage and much more…
Each and every equipment of the company has its own personal history of operation, maintenance and storage, which is included into a common database and, if necessary, can always be picked up and studied.
Thus, the quality-of-service activities carried out in workshop allows to meet the highest requirements of the customer, which in turn has a positive effect on the solution of the tasks set.