• USD - 506.43₸
  • EUR - 522.43₸
  • RUB - 5.28₸
  • BRENT - 76.49$
  • WTI - 73.52$
  • Natural Gas (Henry Hub) - Err. get data


System to Process High Volumes of Drilling-Mud for Higher Barite Recovery Efficiencies



BARITE RECOVERY PLANT is supplied with an integral skid and can be positioned directly in its working area. We recommend installing the machine on a flat, solid floor adequate to withstand the static and dynamic loads of the machine, as well as the static and dynamic loads of the processed material. The installation on an inadequate floor or the wrong anchoring of the machine to the same may affect operation and cause dangers. Check the site with care before installation and position the machine leaving an adequate space on the four sides to make it easier to access to the machine for maintenance.

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